These detailed reports cover
important conservation issues,
highlighting the urgent need for
action to safeguard the survival of
vulnerable species.
Search Reports:
Rhino Horn: Debunking the Pro-Trade Propaganda
Do the arguments in favor of a legalized trade in rhino horn stand up to basic scrutiny? Let’s...
God’s Ivory
Despite the CITES Treaty of 1989, which banned the global trade in ivory and rhino horn, the...
The $200 Million Question – How Much Does Trophy Hunting Really Contribute to African Communities
Research published by the pro-‐hunting International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation...
Decision-Making Mechanisms and Necessary and Conditions for a Future Trade in African Elephant Ivory
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) remains concerned that any more ‘legal’ sales or...
Inside the Global Industry That’s Slaughtering Africa’s Elephants
China giving elephants a one-way ticket to extinction “Unless Western and African nations can turn...
Blood Ivory: Exposing the myth of a regulated market
Two legal sales of ivory stockpiles have failed to stem the flow of illegal ivory to East Asia,...
Elephant Database: Comprehensive Data
This is the fifth update on the status of the African elephant produced under the aegis of the...
National Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephants in South Africa
Elephants Facts and Fables
Personal opinion, hearsay, anecdotes and individual interpretations of research findings all too...
Elephant in the Dust: The African Elephant Crises
The African elephant, the largest remaining land mammal on the planet, is facing the greatest...
2011 Survey of Ivory Markets in China
An unprecedented surge in ivory seizures occurred in 2011. Media reported that 5,259 elephant...
South African Elephant Research Strategy
This document constructs a summary of information needs that the application of the Norms and...
Do Elephants Have Souls?
The birth of an elephant is a spectacular occasion. Grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and cousins...