Some ranches are effectively battery farms CREDIT: FERGUS THOMAS he growing appetite for 'conservation holidays' has shone a light on the dark – and poorly...
DEA bactracks on parliamentary resolution on captive lion breeding
Picture: Martin Meja/AP A Parliamentary Resolution to end the Captive Breeding of Lions in South Africa has been ignored by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), who...
South Africa kicks the can down the road on captive predator breeding
Once cubs in captivity get too big to be stroked and cuddled by tourists, they’re sold into the canned hunting and Asian bone trade industries. Shutterstock Ross Harvey, South...
Captive-breeding lion industry is killing Brand South Africa
Canned lion hunting and trading in lion skeletons is having ever-widening negative ramifications for Brand South Africa. More than 40 airlines are refusing to transport trophies,...
Information Sheet: Parliamentary Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting
Should we be farming lions to slaughter? The Problems No conservation value Inadequate welfare standards Lack of regulation Inability of DEA, DAFF and Provinces to enforce...
Captive cheetahs being exploited
The practice of breeding the animals in captivity as ‘ambassadors’ is doing the species more harm than good, Louise de Waal reports A WORRYING trend is emerging in South Africa...
Invitation to SATSA to end promotion of predator exploitation
SATSA President: Mr. Gavin Courtenay SATSA CEO: Mr. David Frost And all SATSA Members Dear Mr. Courtenay, Mr. Frost and all SATSA Members cc: The Honorable Minister of Tourism,...
IUCN – Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions
Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions (Panthera leo) and other predators and captive breeding for commercial, non-conservation purposes NOTING the prohibition by the...
Captive breeding must end – tour companies
After the international outrage at the cynical killing of Cecil the Lion last year, and the unethical practices exposed in the film Blood Lions - which blew the lid off...
Official statement by African Lion Working Group (ALWG) on canned hunting and captive breeding
It is the opinion of the African Lion Working Group (ALWG) that captive-bred lion hunting, which is defined by ALWG as the sport hunting of lions that are captive bred and reared...
Hunters Bagged 10,000 Lions in Africa Since 2003, Trophy Data Show
Given that in Africa wild lions are in catastrophic decline–the latest International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) figures suggest that fewer than 20,000 remain–it...
According to South Africa’s Minister for Environment Affairs, Edna Molewa, there is a big difference between shooting of captive-bred versus shooting of canned lions. In an...
Officials on the horns of a dilemma
The conservation of wild animals is a wrangle that has divided opinion into two diametrically opposed camps, writes Adam Cruise. As today is World Nature Conservation Day, it is...