Welfare problems have always characterised the captive lion industry, but have proliferated over the past few years due to a shift in the markets as lion breeders actively...
Follow-up to colloquium on captive breeding for hunting & press release re high-level panel to review policies
Minister of Environmental Affairs: Honourable Ms Nomvula MokonyaneEmail: nmokonyane@environment.gov.za c/c: Ministerial Communication Services: Ms Zanele Mngadi Email:...
DEA bactracks on parliamentary resolution on captive lion breeding
Picture: Martin Meja/AP A Parliamentary Resolution to end the Captive Breeding of Lions in South Africa has been ignored by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), who...
South Africa kicks the can down the road on captive predator breeding
Once cubs in captivity get too big to be stroked and cuddled by tourists, they’re sold into the canned hunting and Asian bone trade industries. Shutterstock Ross Harvey, South...
Anger over green light given to lion farms
Non-governmental and conservation organizations are highly upset that the Department of Environmental Affairs has not shown the "political will" to close the Canned Lion Breeding...
HSI/Africa urges department of environmental affairs to heed Parliament’s call to end captive lion breeding for trophy hunting and the bone trade
HSI/Africa urges department of environmental affairs to heed Parliament’s call to end captive lion breeding for trophy hunting and the bone trade CAPE TOWN (6 DECEMBER 2018) – In...
Parliament moves to put the brakes on ‘unethical’ captive lion breeding and bone trade
Are we about to see the end of one of South Africa’s most infamous practices – captive lion breeding for hunting and trading of their parts? If Parliament adopts the...
ADOPTED REPORT – Colloquium on Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa: Harming or promoting the conservation image of the country
DRAFT REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ON THE COLLOQUIUM ON Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa: Harming or promoting the conservation...
Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa colloquium Day 2
Chairperson: Mr MP Mapulane (ANC) Meeting Summary The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs hosted a Colloquium on captive lion breeding entitled Captive Lion...
Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa colloquium Day 1, with Minister present
Chairperson: Mr M Mapulane (ANC) Meeting Summary The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs hosted a two-day colloquium on captive lion breeding under the...
A nail in the coffin of the captive lion breeding industry?
There was an overwhelming consensus for the need to bring an end to the controversial captive lion breeding industry in South Africa at a two-day Parliamentary Colloquium of the...
Captive-breeding lion industry is killing Brand South Africa
Canned lion hunting and trading in lion skeletons is having ever-widening negative ramifications for Brand South Africa. More than 40 airlines are refusing to transport trophies,...
Information Sheet: Parliamentary Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting
Should we be farming lions to slaughter? The Problems No conservation value Inadequate welfare standards Lack of regulation Inability of DEA, DAFF and Provinces to enforce...
OP-ED: Lion bones and predator farming – picking on the carcass of SA tourism
Predator breeding using lions and other species could cost South Africa over R54-billion over the next 10 years in loss of tourism brand attractiveness. This is according to a...
Captive Lion Breeding, Canned Lion Hunting & the Lion Bone Trade: Damaging Brand South Africa?
A review of the worldwide reaction to South Africa’s captive lion breeding and canned hunting industry and involvement in the lion bone trade. Read the full report...
SA’s macabre captive lion breeding industry to be investigated by Parliament
South Africa's unregulated captive lion breeding industry will shortly be reviewed by the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs in a two-day hearing open to the public....
Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting in South Africa: Harming or Promoting the Conservation Image of the Country. 21 & 22 August 2018
South Africa opens the door to the sale of wildlife parts
Photo by Don Pinnock. There’s a thin line between the marketing of, and the genuine conservation of, wildlife. In the past few weeks that line was definitively crossed by the...
SA’s plan to export 800 lion skeletons ‘misguided and shameful’
Cape Town - In a move clearly supporting the canned lion hunting industry, the South African Government plans to permit the annual export of 800 lion skeletons to manufacturers...