elephant poaching
The massacre of nature’s ‘architects’

The massacre of nature’s ‘architects’

This encyclopaedic book sends out a powerful message to give elephants the highest protection status, writes Elise Tempelhoff. The LAST ELEPHANTS Compiled by Don Pinnock &...

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The Last Elephants – Book review

Did you know that in Africa there is one elephant for every 20 000 people; fewer than 450 000 according to the (most recent) Great Elephant Census of 2016, down from the 3 to 5...

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Botswana elephant poaching ‘no hoax’

Botswana elephant poaching ‘no hoax’

Elephants Without Borders, who conducted an aerial research survey in Botswana, has had their wildlife research licence suspended by the Botswana government. See original...

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Elephant poaching on the increase in Botswana

Elephant poaching on the increase in Botswana

Last week, the carcass of a 40-year old elephant bull was found in Ngamiland, northern Botswana, partly covered with still green Mopane bushes and half of its skull hacked away...

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Beyond the China ivory ban

Beyond the China ivory ban

The recent announcement by the central government of China to ban all domestic ivory trade and processing by the end of 2017 offers a glimmer of real optimism in the fight...

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Poaching behind worst African elephant losses in 25 years – IUCN report

Africa’s overall elephant population has seen the worst declines in 25 years, mainly due to poaching over the past ten years – according to IUCN’s African Elephant Status Report...

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Carnage! The Business of Killing Elephants

Carnage! The Business of Killing Elephants

In a powerful and poignant edition of HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel called Blood Ivory to be aired on Tuesday November 24th, has correspondent David Scott not only...

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Emergency declared as elephant poached

Emergency declared as elephant poached

Johannesburg - An emergency was declared as the first elephant was poached on the western border of Kruger National Park. Each day in Africa around 100 elephants die at the hands...

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US Law: The Pelly Amendment

The Pelly Amendment authorises the President to limit the importation of any products from a country of which the nationals thereof are engaging in trade or taking that...

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CITES National Ivory Action Plans

An analysis of ivory seizure data held in the Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) prepared for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (Bangkok, 2013)...

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China and Tanzania’s Elephant Holocaust

A report released this month by The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) called Vanishing Points – Criminality, Corruption and the Devastation of Tanzania’s Elephants has...

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Elephant ivory trade in China: Trends and drivers

Poaching of African elephants is threatening the species viability. International non-governmental organizations and media often attribute the basic problem to China’s domestic...

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