Exclusive: Organisation has been heavily involved in Cites and IUCN for up to 20 years, winning campaigns to allow African lions and other species to still be killed. Trophy...
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Trophy Hunting, Part Two: End of the game
Lions seen at Willie Jacobs’ farm, Ukutula Lodge, on 31 July 2015 in Brits, South Africa. Jacobs’ farm was heavily criticised after the release of the doc Conservationists who...
Biodiversity: The ravages of guns, nets and bulldozers – Nature – Sean Maxwell
There is a growing tendency for media reports about threats to biodiversity to focus on climate change. Here we report an analysis of threat information gathered for more than...
IUCN – Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions
Terminating the hunting of captive-bred lions (Panthera leo) and other predators and captive breeding for commercial, non-conservation purposes NOTING the prohibition by the...
Meeting to decide the future of Africa’s elephants
Against the backdrop of an ever-escalating attack on Africa's wildlife and the particularly alarming increase in ivory poaching, the International Union of Nature Conservation...