Parliament, Wednesday, 6 February 2019 – The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs strongly condemns the actions of South African National Parks (SANParks) in proceeding...
Does trophy hunting really benefit conservation and local communities?
Every year, thousands of tourists visit South African private nature reserves to see wild animals in unspoilt surroundings. But how many of these travellers know that some of the...
Greater KNP Hunting Protocol for Reserves where hunting takes place
PREAMBLE Demands for competing land uses that are not compatible with conservation practices, make the need for viable conservation incentives more urgent. Well governed trophy...
Young Balule Elephant shot 13 times before horrified visitors
Just as the furore about the trophy hunting of the pride male named Skye began abating, another incident has highlighted the ethics of hunting in the Associated Private Nature...
Controversy over Skye the lion
THE controversy deepens around the death of a magnificent male lion in Umbabat Private Nature Reserve (PNR) as Parliament was given the wrong pictures last week, which may have...
Permitting authority shows Parliament photo of dead lion it claims is not famous pride male – but experts say it is
The authority that licensed the lion trophy hunt which became the focus of a parliamentary inquiry last week has been at pains to assure everyone it was not the pride male named...
Environmental Affairs Committee believes agreement between Kruger National Park & Private Reserves should be revised
Parliament, Wednesday, 12 September 2018 – The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs today had an engagement with the Department of Environmental Affairs, South...
Kruger Park gets grumpy over lion hunting and bad PR with it’s errant neighbour
It was in Umbabat that a lion was recently hunted and ended up being discussed in Parliament, following accusations that it was an under-age pride male and was baited illegally....
Skye is the Limit – The Kruger Lion Hunt Saga Continues
Outrage, secrecy, abomination, controversy, suspicion, and cat and mouse game, are some of the verbalisations around the events linked to the lion hunt in the Umbabat Private...
The Controversial Lion Hunt in Umbabat – South Africa
1. The Petition 1.1 On the 7th June 2018, a citizen of the United States of America, named in a recent article as Jared Whitworth...
Digging for the truth about Skye
The hunting of a lion in Umbabat Reserve alongside the Kruger National Park has been cloaked in secrecy ever since it was discovered. With the worldwide outcry at the killing of...
KNP Recommendations for hunting in Umbabat PNR, 6 February 2018
Animal numbers in APNR reserves, proposed hunting quotas and basis for recommendations with reservations, does not recommend hunting a male lion. Read SANParks-KNP's...
Greater KNP Hunting Protocol for Reserves where hunting takes place
PREAMBLE Demands for competing land uses that are not compatible with conservation practices, make the need for viable conservation incentives more urgent. Well governed trophy...
Minister of Environmental Affairs, Dr Edna Molewa, highlights progress on the implementation of the integrated strategic management of rhinoceros
MEDIA STATEMENT Fellow South Africans, Ladies and gentlemen of the media, Welcome to the first report back for 2018 on the Integrated Strategic Management approach to combat...
Elephants and mango crops saved in difficult rescue near Kruger
Cape Town - Three bull elephants were saved from being shot and further damage to mango orchards averted after the bulls broke through the fences of a game reserve bordering the...
Hunting in South Africa: A bloody mess
PROLOGUE South Africa is the world’s top ‘canned’ lion hunting destination, the rhino hunting permit system has been repeatedly abused in recent years to launder horn...
Alarm over ‘new gag’ on elephant poaching stats
First there was a clampdown on rhino poaching statistics. Now the same is happening with information on elephant ivory poaching. SA National Parks has refused to provide...
More questions than answers as Kruger park continues shooting buffalo
Confused explanations at a public meeting in Skukuza on Saturday are concerning stakeholders as the Kruger National Park forges ahead with its program of shooting buffalo as part...
Elephant ambassador ‘Charlie’ felled by poachers’ gun
Tracking collars and sophisticated telemetry are a good way to see where wild elephants roam. They can also lead to grisly discoveries about where they die. The world-famous...
Reserves say it’s fair game to cover costs
Trophy hunters legally shoot wild animals that move from Kruger on to some private reserves, but the Game Theft Act has muddied the waters. Who owns South Africa’s wild animals?...
Will Kruger’s drought policy affect its elephant population?
The ongoing drought is taking its toll on South Africa’s wildlife. In the Kruger National Park, questions have been raised about the possible impact that a potential re-opening...
Elephants Alive called into action as two Kruger elephants go astray
Two elephants have been rescued instead of put down after breaking out of the Balule Private Reserve, bordering Kruger National Park, on Wednesday, 10 February. The two young...
Natural ruses rule out culling for elephants
There will be no further culling of elephants in Kruger National park for population control. So says Dr Sam Ferreira, SANParks’ large mammal ecologist. That’s because the new,...
More rhetoric from government won’t save rhino
In a Parliamentary debate on Tuesday on the rhino poaching crisis, government provided little hope for rhino as speaker after speaker lamented the rhino poaching...
Minister Molewa refuses to disclose members of public panel
On Tuesday Minister Edna Molewa announced SA’s intention to implement an integrated management strategy to reducing rhino poaching – but the failure to change legislation related...
Elephant poachers penetrate South African borders again
A second elephant has been butchered for its tusks by poachers in Parfuri, northern Kruger National Park, 10km in from the Mozambican and Zimbabwean borders. SANParks officials...
Elephant Poached in Kruger National Park – Is This the Thin Edge of the Wedge?
SANparks confirmed on Thursday that an elephant bull was poached in Kruger National Park and its tusks removed and carried off by the perpetrators – the first such incident to...
Elephant Management: A Scientific Assessment for South Africa
In 2006, the Minister for Environment Affairs and Tourism convened a Science Round Table to advise on the different approaches to elephant management in South Africa....
Elephant Management Plan – Kruger National Park
The Elephant Management Plan for 2013-2022 describes the elephant management objectives to be implemented in Kruger National Park. Compiled by Scientific Services and the Kruger...