DRAFT REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ON THE COLLOQUIUM ON Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa: Harming or promoting the conservation...
The Controversial Lion Hunt in Umbabat – South Africa
1. The Petition 1.1 On the 7th June 2018, a citizen of the United States of America, named in a recent article as Jared Whitworth...
Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s response to the South African Predator Association’s letter
Attention Secretary Ryan Zinke Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C Street. N.W. Washington D.C 21240 United States of America OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY...
Op-Ed: Did Oxford University researchers sanction hunting of Cecil the lion and his son, Xanda?
When thousands of people donated nearly R20-million to the Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) after the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe, their...
SA told to end canned lion hunting
© iafrica.com A motion to terminate the hunting and breeding of captive lions and other predators in South Africa has been approved by the IUCN World Conservation Congress...
Trophy hunting stronghold on Africa’s wildlife seeping across to SA
The world's wealthiest hunting organization, Safari Club International (SCI) and professional hunting groups, met behind closed doors with the South African Department of...
Proof Trophy Hunters Don’t Save A Single Animal
Are trophy hunters protectors of biodiversity, as hunting associations and some conservationists claim, providing funds and a reason to protect wild areas? Or are they heartless...
Zimbabwe has all but let Cecil’s killers off the hook as Mugabe’s wife says hunter did nothing wrong. "I say the dentist who killed the lion must be left alone," said Mrs Mugabe,...
Hunters Bagged 10,000 Lions in Africa Since 2003, Trophy Data Show
Given that in Africa wild lions are in catastrophic decline–the latest International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) figures suggest that fewer than 20,000 remain–it...
Public outcry draws a bead on trophy hunting
The death of Cecil the Hwange lion and a new documentary film have catalyzed a worldwide rethink on trophy hunting. By Don Pinnock Deep in the ancient part of our brains is a...
Trophy hunting fuels Asian lion bone trade
New research suggests things are getting worse for South Africa’s declining wild lion population as the trophy hunting industry is boosting the Asian trade in lion bones. Tiger...
Zimbabwe says Cecil the Lion hunt was definitely illegal
Parks Authority believes that the use of a bow and an arrow “was meant to conceal the illegal hunt by using a means that would not alert the rangers on patrol.” Bow and arrow...
SA doccie reveals the shocking truth behind lion breeding
Durban - Blood Lions, a new documentary film delivers a damning verdict on the rapidly growing South African industry that breeds, hunts and trades lions in captivity. Blood...
Unsavoury practices in canned hunting industry prompt government concern
Government appears intent on reforming and sanitising the business of breeding and hunting lions. Critics want to see it dismantled altogether Minister Edna Molewa has just met...
Sport hunters kill Zim’s best known lion
Wildlife enthusiasts say Cecil, possibly Hwanges’s largest lion, was a favourite among visitors to Zimbabwe’s premier national park as he was extremely relaxed around safari...