rhino horn
We can sell rhino horn, says Minister Molewa

We can sell rhino horn, says Minister Molewa

File picture Parliament - According to the Department of Environmental Affairs, the time has come to sell rhino horn. Speaking in a Parliamentary portfolio committee on Tuesday,...

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A look at Nambia’s rhino horn syndicates

A look at Nambia’s rhino horn syndicates

It is not hard to spot the successful rhino poachers in Okahao: at a time when everyone else in Namibia was suffering the effects of a crippling, four-year-long drought, they...

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Will SA legalise rhino horn trade?

Will SA legalise rhino horn trade?

This week, investigative journalist and author Julian Rademeyer revealed that the decision to submit a rhino horn trade proposal to the Convention on International Trade in...

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How poachers kill jobs

How poachers kill jobs

International tourism to Africa reached record levels in 2013, with 56 million tourists bringing in $34.2-billion (about R410-billion). Significantly, 80% of them came to see the...

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Submission by Alejandro Nadal to Committee of Inquiry into a Possible Trade in Rhino Horn

Submission by Alejandro Nadal to Committee of Inquiry into a Possible Trade in Rhino Horn

INTRODUCTION Greetings to the Chair of the Committee of Inquiry and to all the members of the COI. I am Dr. Alejandro Nadal, Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies, El...

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Are rhinos abandoned by all but South Africa?

It looks like South Africa is going to break another record: 2014 is set to exceed 2013’s 1,004 rhino poached. But sadly, it’s not as though the nation is sitting back and doing...

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Officials on the horns of a dilemma

The conservation of wild animals is a wrangle that has divided opinion into two diametrically opposed camps, writes Adam Cruise. As today is World Nature Conservation Day, it is...

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Are rhinos now a liability to South Africa?

I have recently read the May/June South African Journal of Science report on a Kruger National Park workshop aimed at finding a management solution to counter the escalation of...

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Rhinos: It’s time for Plan B

In public debates about how to save our rhino, those who advocate ending the ban on trading their horns fail to acknowledge (if you'll excuse the metaphor) the elephant in the...

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