rhino poaching
How SA can lose the second rhino war

How SA can lose the second rhino war

As South Africa continues to lose rhinos in the poaching war, it seems that the government is failing those fighting it. Although there has been some success in protecting rhinos...

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A look at Nambia’s rhino horn syndicates

A look at Nambia’s rhino horn syndicates

It is not hard to spot the successful rhino poachers in Okahao: at a time when everyone else in Namibia was suffering the effects of a crippling, four-year-long drought, they...

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How poachers kill jobs

How poachers kill jobs

International tourism to Africa reached record levels in 2013, with 56 million tourists bringing in $34.2-billion (about R410-billion). Significantly, 80% of them came to see the...

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Submission by Alejandro Nadal to Committee of Inquiry into a Possible Trade in Rhino Horn

Submission by Alejandro Nadal to Committee of Inquiry into a Possible Trade in Rhino Horn

INTRODUCTION Greetings to the Chair of the Committee of Inquiry and to all the members of the COI. I am Dr. Alejandro Nadal, Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies, El...

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Minister marches for rhino law reform

Edna Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs joined the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos (GMFER) in Pretoria on Saturday causing conservationists to wonder if...

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Rhino Trade Panel: Window dressing by the DEA

The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has finally issued an invitation to stakeholders to participate in its exploration of Rhino Horn Trade Feasibility. The long-awaited...

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Are rhinos now a liability to South Africa?

I have recently read the May/June South African Journal of Science report on a Kruger National Park workshop aimed at finding a management solution to counter the escalation of...

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