trophy hunting
The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting

The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting

Trophy hunting has occupied a prominent position in recent scholarly literature and popular media. In the scientific conservation literature, researchers are generally supportive...

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Iconic Namibian Elephant Killed By Hunter

Iconic Namibian Elephant Killed By Hunter

 Namibia's most famous elephant bull known as Voortrekker ("Pioneer") to thousands of tourists was shot last week by a trophy hunter, ten years after he first escaped the...

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Botswana brings back trophy hunting

Botswana brings back trophy hunting

Botswana has now committed to a policy built on myths, while the rest of the world takes stock of the implications ecological crisis. Botswana’s Ministry of Environment, Natural...

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Botswana lifts ban on elephant hunting

Botswana lifts ban on elephant hunting

Lifting of ban attributed to ‘political play’. The Botswanan government announced yesterday that it was “lifting the hunting suspension in an orderly and ethical manner” – a...

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Trophy Hunting, Part Two: End of the game

Trophy Hunting, Part Two: End of the game

Lions seen at Willie Jacobs’ farm, Ukutula Lodge, on 31 July 2015 in Brits, South Africa. Jacobs’ farm was heavily criticised after the release of the doc Conservationists who...

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SA licenses leopard hunting

SA licenses leopard hunting

South Africa has opened hunting season on leopards after two years of grace. The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has given permission to shoot two leopards in...

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The Controversial Lion Hunt in Umbabat – South Africa

The Controversial Lion Hunt in Umbabat – South Africa

1. The Petition 1.1 On the 7th June 2018, a citizen of the United States of America, named in a recent article as Jared Whitworth...

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How SA can lose the second rhino war

How SA can lose the second rhino war

As South Africa continues to lose rhinos in the poaching war, it seems that the government is failing those fighting it. Although there has been some success in protecting rhinos...

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Reserves say it’s fair game to cover costs

Reserves say it’s fair game to cover costs

Trophy hunters legally shoot wild animals that move from Kruger on to some private reserves, but the Game Theft Act has muddied the waters. Who owns South Africa’s wild animals?...

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Carnage! The Business of Killing Elephants

Carnage! The Business of Killing Elephants

In a powerful and poignant edition of HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel called Blood Ivory to be aired on Tuesday November 24th, has correspondent David Scott not only...

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Hunters: Killers or saviours?

Hunters: Killers or saviours?

The oft asked question is: are trophy hunters  protectors of biodiversity or are they heartless killers of defenceless wild animals? To make any headway with this question, we...

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Leopard hunting: Restricted but not banned

Leopard hunting: Restricted but not banned

Leopards are in trouble. But how much is hard to tell. For hundreds of years they were classed as vermin. Today we don’t know how many have survived the guns – they’re elusive...

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Zimbabwe has all but let Cecil’s killers off the hook as Mugabe’s wife says hunter did nothing wrong. "I say the dentist who killed the lion must be left alone," said Mrs Mugabe,...

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Op-Ed: Is trophy hunting really sustainable?

Op-Ed: Is trophy hunting really sustainable?

Throughout history, human beings have killed wild animals to defend, avenge, profit or feed themselves. They still do. But there are a few who kill for another reason: pleasure....

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Public outcry draws a bead on trophy hunting

Public outcry draws a bead on trophy hunting

The death of Cecil the Hwange lion and a new documentary film have catalyzed a worldwide rethink on trophy hunting. By Don Pinnock Deep in the ancient part of our brains is a...

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