The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries’ determination to set yet another export quota for lion bones flies in the face of several ongoing processes ...
Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa colloquium Day 2
Chairperson: Mr MP Mapulane (ANC) Meeting Summary The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs hosted a Colloquium on captive lion breeding entitled Captive Lion...
Information Sheet: Parliamentary Colloquium on Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting
Should we be farming lions to slaughter? The Problems No conservation value Inadequate welfare standards Lack of regulation Inability of DEA, DAFF and Provinces to enforce...
Cash Before Conservation – A damning report on the commoditization of our lions
Criminal syndicates may use the legal trade in lion bones from our captive lion population, as a cover for illegal wildlife trade, reveals new report. A damning report titled...
Open letter to Secretary Zinke: The African Lion Conservation Community’s response to the South African Predator Association’s letter
Attention Secretary Ryan Zinke Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C Street. N.W. Washington D.C 21240 United States of America OPEN LETTER TO SECRETARY...
Op-Ed: Did Oxford University researchers sanction hunting of Cecil the lion and his son, Xanda?
When thousands of people donated nearly R20-million to the Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) after the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe, their...
Hunters Bagged 10,000 Lions in Africa Since 2003, Trophy Data Show
Given that in Africa wild lions are in catastrophic decline–the latest International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) figures suggest that fewer than 20,000 remain–it...