Trophy hunting advocates love to argue that those who disagree with their views on wildlife conservation are incapable or unwilling to understand science. Yet, trophy hunting advocates are deeply aligned with the very much unscientific climate change denial community.
For whatever reason, even scientists promoting trophy hunting in Africa collaborate with members of climate change denial groups on a regular basis. It’s still unclear why self-proclaimed unbiased members of the scientific community continue to allow themselves to be featured as scientific backing for trophy hunting by groups denying the science behind anthropogenic climate change. But we do know that climate change denial groups are funded by the fossil fuel industry and rely on faux grassroots support from the likes of hunters and farmers to ensure governments reduce regulations protecting the environment.
There are also pro-trophy hunting organizations like Safari Club International that fund studies and projects in Africa while simultaneously taking funds from and supporting the fossil fuel industry in the US. SCI claims to support indigenous African communities through trophy hunting yet they also facilitate the destruction of the continent by denying climate change and supporting politicians that refuse the scientific consensus.
And with the 2020 election season winding down in the United States, now is the perfect time to review the SCI political endorsements to see where they stand on anthropogenic climate change and protecting the environment.
SCI officially endorsed 33 US politicians this election cycle, 24 (73%) are climate change deniers and 32 (97%) do not support cutting fossil fuel consumption. Polls vary, but 62% of Americans do not agree with the scientific consensus that humans are the primary cause of climate change while only 40% of Americans do not support reducing fossil fuel consumption.
The average lifetime National Environmental score from the League of Conservation Voters for this group of politicians is a paltry 7%. For reference, this score falls well below the US Senate average (53%), US House average (56%), and Joe Biden (83%).
It’s quite obvious that the trophy hunting community does not stand for science or the environment, and its time to stop pretending they do. But most of all, its time for members of the scientific community to have some self-respect and stop collaborating with groups that are supported by the fossil fuel industry.
Here is a summary of SCI’s 2020 political endorsements:
- Don Young (R-Alaska. at large): “I do not challenge that climate change is occurring, but the central question awaiting an answer is to what extent man-made emissions are responsible for this change. Contrary to popular opinion, that question remains unanswered.” LCV score = 8%.
- Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska): “Alaska is on the front lines when it comes to changes in our climate, and with seven billion people on earth, humans will have an effect. However, despite what many climate change alarmists want us to believe, there is no general consensus on pinpointing the sole cause of global temperature trends.” LCV score = 8%.
- Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.): “There is one person that changes this climate in this country and that is God. OK?”
- Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif. CD-23): His bills would not reduce fossil fuel consumption but would use carbon capture to reduce emissions (aka business as usual for the fossil fuel industry). LCV score = 3%.
- Cory Gardner (R-Colo.): “There are people who want to control the economy as a result of their belief about the environment.” LCV score = 11%.
- Austin Scott (R-Ga. CD-8): Responded with “Absolutely” when asked if he doubted the scientific consensus on climate change. LCV score = 3%.
- David Perdue (R-Ga.): Says climate is changing but will not acknowledge human activities are causing the changes. LCV score = 3%.
- Steve Scalise (R-La. CD-1): “Earth’s temperature goes up and down.” LCV score = 3%.
- Joni Ernst (R-Iowa): “Climate always changes and we see those ebb and flows through time.” LCV score = 3%.
- Jim Risch (R-Idaho): “There’s no question there’s climate change… The cause of it, there’s debate on that.” LCV score = 7%.
- Mike Simpson (R-Idaho CD-2): “While scientists cannot explain the climate changes of the past few decades without including the effects of elevated greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations resulting from the use of fossil fuels, there is widespread disagreement as to the magnitude of human influence on the climate and the degree to which any effort by humanity to reduce carbon output would slow or reverse the effects of climate change.” LCV score = 9%.
- Roger Marshall (R-Kan.): “I’m not sure that there is even climate change.” LCV score = 9%.
- Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.): When asked if he believes in climate change, “I do. The question is how do you address it… The way to do this consistent with American values and American capitalism is through technology and innovation… not to shut down your economy, throw people out of work.” LCV score = 7%.
- Pete Stauber (R-Minn. CD-8): Has not supported any climate policies, saying he’s a “perpetual learner.” LCV score = 7%.
- Collin Peterson (D-Minn. CD-7): “What is our goal? Planting all those trees? I’m actually cutting down the forest.” Sadly, he has the best environmental score out of all the politicians endorsed by SCI. LCV score = 33%.
- John James (R-Mich.): Stances unknown but information points to him being a Trump-patsy that will agree with whatever the Republican party promotes.
- Steve Daines (R – Mont.): “I think there’s still reasonable debate here… I think the jury’s still out, in my opinion. I’ve seen some very good data that says there are other contributing factors. We’re certainly looking at the effect the sun has—the solar cycles—versus CO2 and greenhouse gases. I’m not convinced. I’m a skeptic on both sides.” LCV score = 6%.
- Billy Long (R-Mo. CD-7): “Climate change remains the subject of considerable controversy both in the scientific and political communities.” LCV score = 3%.
- Matt Rosendale (R-Mont. at large): LCV Victory Fund’s Dirty Dozen. “Climate change is another example of the government trying to control the people.”
- Thom Tillis (R-N.C.): Has a long track record of denial but now admits human impacts and supports “market-based solutions” (aka doing nothing at all). LCV score = 9%.
- Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C. CD-11): “I believe that changes to the environment and the warming of the earth may be impacted in part by human actions, but I reject the notion that in order to fix the environment one must neglect the economy.”
- Richard Hudson (R-N.C. CD-8): Answered “No” regarding poll asking if he believed human activity was contributing to climate change. LCV score = 2%.
- Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D. at large): Owns hundreds of oil wells worth millions of dollars in North Dakota. LCV score = 10%.
- Dave Joyce, (R-Ohio CD-14): “I can’t stop jet traffic. We’re not going to stop cars. We’re not going to stop China or India from firing up coal fire plants. But we should have a plan for how we’re going to start to deal with these problems.” LCV score = 10%.
- Bob Latta (R-Ohio CD-5): “Over 86 percent of Ohio’s electricity is generated by coal. The costs incurred from this legislation on electricity generators will be passed along to the consumers. Not only will farmers in my district, and throughout the country, be burdened with not being able to afford to operate their farms, this legislation will raise their electric rates, gasoline rates and place an even larger burden on their family.” LCV score = 3%.
- Jeff Duncan (R-S.C. CD-3): In a speech, he said we shouldn’t worry about climate change but should focus on “illegal aliens murdering beautiful innocent lives” and “folks who want to do great harm to Christians.” LCV score = 3%.
- Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.): Says climate change is real but isn’t doing much about it, he just looks to be scoring political brownie points. LCV = 13%.
- Mike Rounds (R-S.D.): “When it comes to climate change, we agree that the climate is changing, just as it has since the dawn of time.” LCV score = 6%.
- Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.): Says he will “work to eliminate senseless EPA interference and fight to cut unnecessary regulations” and calls fracking bans “socialist.”
- Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas CD-24): LCV Victory Fund’s Dirty Dozen. Calls cutting fossil fuel consumption a “radical far-left” policy.
- John Cornyn (R-Texas): Now says climate change is caused by emissions but only supports innovation like carbon capture. LCV = 5%.
- Chip Roy (R-Texas CD-21): Says there is a lot of “misinformation out there about the extent of man’s impact on temperatures on the Earth.” Uh, yeah, and you’re spreading it, buddy. LCV = 0%.
- Dan Newhouse (R-Wash. CD-4): Says catastrophic wildfires can be reduced by thinning out the forest, a common theme with climate change deniers. LCV = 4%.
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